An Episode of The Supermanagers Podcast from with Scott Williamson
Mistakes to learn from:
Left people up with giving direct feedback.
Advice > Getting better at delegation is a key to growth
Find what you should keep on your plate and what you need to split and give it to someone.
Servant leaders
Servant leadership is a leadership style and philosophy whereby an individual interacts with others—either in a management or fellow employee capacity—to achieve authority rather than power.
The servant-leader main jobs:
Provide clarity, examples:
- Written product strategy as an example
- Clear KPIs that review monthly
- OKR quarterly
- Measure performance
Remove obstacles, examples:
- Weekly 1on1 with everyone.
- The weekly team calls to provide clarity.
- Providing direct feedback is the best thing for them.
- Use the meeting agenda, keep it live and give people to write their questions before the meeting.
- Have a block to go through your meeting agendas
Task... Create a readme file on how to work with me.
KPI is more durable/ongoing and always will be there. OKRs is about change
First-class hiring
- Have a great job description
- Have an interview team who knows the job.
- Conduct frequent retros to find blockers.
- Give a high priority to the process and time.
- Use metrics.
- Ensure a diverse pipeline.