Know your intentions before you begin writing.

An email without a goal is like noise that annoys both the sender and the receiver. Ask yourself, “Why do I need to send this email? and What I want to achieve with it?”

Think of your email subject one more time.

  • The subject should summarize the need for the email clearly
  • Specify the action in the subject. Example: [Action Required] …
  • Use shorter subjects as much as possible

Consider people’s timezone.

It’s a crucial point, especially during this COVID pandemic where remote work requires us to find a new way of working and communicating. So make sure not to wake up someone in the middle of the night on the other side of the world for something not that urgent.

Keep it simple.

  • Use simple language
  • Use lists to make them easier to follow.
  • Use Bold to create focus on essential parts of the email.
  • Avoid writing in red and, in general, avoid using colored fonts.

Level up your grammar game.

  • Avoid passive sentences (use active sentences with the subject)
  • Maintain the same grammar structure (use simple present all the time)

Tip: use (it’s free)

Maintain respect and avoid using sentences such as:

  • To make it simple to you (top-bottom-look)
  • I’m not sure you received my message (unclear and hinting)
  • Just checking in (unclear and hinting)
  • Thanks in advance (pushy)

Double-Check typos problems before you click send.

That is important; we all can have typos in email, and there are so many tools online. Google Chrome can auto-correct your typos problems.

Re-read your email load before you click send.

You will be surprised how a tiny step can change your email communication style and techniques.

Email Etiquette