How to Decide What's Worth Pursuing and Become an Expert in Anything with Paul Lem

An Episode of The Supermanagers Podcast from with Paul Lem

Interview with Paul Lem, Serial Entrepreneur and Author |
In episode 74, Paul Lem tells us why most of the goals we set are wrong and how to decide which items are worth pursuing.

My favourite Quote: Just stay curious for a little bit longer.
TTDL (Today I learned) Three-body problem

What is The 4 D of Time Management?

(Do, Defer (Delay), Delegate, and Delete)

It's a time management strategy to decide if a task is worth your time, choosing if you should do it yourself or delegate it to someone else? Drop it or add it to your future to-do list?

More details

How did the weak win the war?

  • They never have direct head-to-head confrontations with the stronger side.
  • They find a workaround or small attacks from different places to defeat the stronger side.

In entrepreneurship words, avoid any direct competition with big companies and instead search for new markets or find new ways to avoid competing with them as much as possible.

How to set and pursue a goal?

  1. Think of your ideal future state
  2. Define that and write it down
  3. Set the path or the system to get to that future state (That includes the actions to do to get there)

Run experiments to validate systems to achieve the future goal.

How to create a super talent/skill?

Combine all the good things and skills that you love and energize you. Ask yourself what makes you energized?

Books to Read

Leadership BS: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time by Jeffrey Pfeffer

Leadership BS - Jeffrey Pfeffer
Title: Leadership BS: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a TimePublished by: HarperBusinessRelease Date: September 15, 2015Pages: 272ISBN13: 978-0062383167Buy the Book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Books-A-Million, 800ceoread, Apple Books Overview The author of Power, Stanford busine…

Master Life Faster (Free) by Paul Lem

For 15 years, my goal was writing the world’s most useful book. Did I succeed?

Most Goals are Wrong