An Episode from Supermanager Podcast from with Micheal Litt

Processes Before Velocity: Why Your 100th Employee Will Change Your Company
In episode #20, Michael Litt reminds us of how important it is to exercise our minds, so we can execute our mission and our values as leaders.

FQ (Favourite Quote): Learn to get 1% better every single day

To allow my team to scale, I had to deal with my ego because it drives me to be involved in everything.

How do I start scaling my team?

As a leader, I start by removing myself from different topics by clearly providing my team's expectations and trusting them to do the right thing.

Tips to increase the team velocity:

  • Change the process only if something goes wrong.
  • Add more people and add more productivity.
  • Use async communication, its the future of work
  • Create a Unified purpose and develop the culture with the team around it to glue it
  • [Action Item] Write a culture document that every new team member reads and agrees on by handwriting signature.

There's a difference between leading and managing. Leading is the inspiring and driving purpose, while managing ensures the accountability to achieve those results.
Leadership requires learning the same as any skill or sport you want to practice, and investing in yourself and dedicating time to learn is an essential step for every leader.

Processes Before Velocity