A book by Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson

The One Minute Manager
The blockbuster #1 national bestselling phenomenon is back... not that it ever really went away. An easily-read story which quickly demonstrates three very practical management techniques, it also includes information on several studies in medicine and in the behavioral sciences, which help readers…
Some managers focus on results, and some focus on the people. It would be best if you were in between.
Productivity is about quality and quantity.
Empower the people to make their own decisions.

The Three Secrets

The One Minute Goal Settings

  • Anyone should read the goal on one page in one minute.  
  • Focus on setting goals for the 20% and leaving the 80%.
  • Describe the problem in a behavioral term (Observation and measurement without feelings).
a "Problem" is when there is a difference between what is actually happening and what you want to happen.

How to do it well?
1. Agree on your goals.
2. See what good behavior looks like.
3. Write each goal on a paper of fewer than 250 words.
4. Read and re-read your goals.
5. Take a minute every once and a while to look at your performance.
6. See whether your behavior matches your goals.

An example is the bowling motivation story.

People are motivated outside work but not inside the job. Why is that? Because they have no clear goals like they are playing bowling without the pins.

The One Minute Praising

  • Give clear feedback with positive and negative feedback.
  • Let your new report knows that it will be uncomfortable for both.
  • Observe your new reports work closely.
  • Ask them to send you a daily report.
  • Keep the employee looking for the next praise and start praising themselves.
"Try to catch them doing something right."

How to do it well?
1. Tell people up front that you will let them know how they are doing.
2. Praise people immediately.
3. Tell people what they did right, be specific.
4. Tell people how you feel good about what they did and how it's impacted the org.
5. Stop for a moment of silence to let them enjoy the moment and know how you feel.
6. Encourage them to do the same.
7. Show them that you support their success with handshakes or other ways.

An example is how we teach kids walking or talking stories.

For any kid, when they start walking, we give them so much attention and celebration to motivate them to keep learning and trying to do one step at a time, and the result afterward is that they will walk themselves without any help.

The One Minute Reprimands

  • Give it as soon as your employee has done something wrong.
  • Specify what the employee did wrong. This shows that you are on top of everything.
  • Don't attack the person the behavior. So, they don't be defensive.
  • Be consistent, do it even if things are going well elsewhere.
  • Laughs at yourself when you make mistakes. To show how secure you are.
  • Never give reprimands without seeing things with your own eyes. Don't use her say.

How to do it well?
1. Tell them beforehand that you will let them know if they make mistakes.
2. Do it immediately.
3. Be specific about what they did.
4. Tell them how that makes you feel.
5. Give them a minute of silence for them to feel what you feel.
6. Shakhand to show you are on their side.
7. Remind them how much you value them.
8. Reaffirm that you think well of them but not of their performance in this situation.
9. Realize once the reprimand is over... It's over.

The BEST minute I spend is the minute I spend on people
Feedback is the food for champions
The number one motivation for people is the feedback on results.
Always give feedback on the spot.

Einstein went to look for his phone number in the phone book story.

A reporter asked Einstein if he could have his phone number. Einstein picked up the phone directory and looked up his phone number. the reporter said, "You are considered the smartest man in the world, and you can't remember your phone number?"
Einstein replied, "Why should I memorize something when I know where to find it?"


  1. Hiring winners (will cost you money)
  2. Hiring someone with potential (will cost you work)
  3. Losers (will cost you prayers that one day they become winners)


The One Manager Full Audiobook [Free]

The One Minute Manager